Dr. Patel Receives Two Awards from Patient’s Choice: Fifth Annual Compassionate Doctor Award & Sixth Annual Patient’s Choice Award

Dr. Patel Most compassionate 2013

The Compassionate Doctor Award from Patient’s Choice is based on reviews written by hundreds of thousands of patients. While physicians generally receive positive feedbackfrom patients, few receive high praise about the compassion that accompanies their care.

Dr. Patel Pts choic 2013

The Patients’ Choice honor is given to you as a reflection of your patients’ continued appreciation and praise for the quality of care and service you provide.


Dr. Patel Receives Two Awards from Patient’s Choice: Compassionate Doctor & Fourth Annual Patient’s Choice Award

The Compassionate Doctor Award from Patient’s Choice is based on reviews written by hundreds of thousands of patients. While physicians generally receive positive feedbackfrom patients, few receive high praise about the compassion that accompanies their care.

The Patients’ Choice honor is given to you as a reflection of your patients’ continued appreciation and praise for the quality of care and service you provide.

Austin rated in Top 50 Fall Allergy capitals¹ in US.

Since 2004, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) has provided a new list of 100 Fall Allergy Capitals, the most challenging places to live with fall allergies. High pollen counts, high use of allergy medications by patients and too few allergists to treat the burgeoning allergy population resulted in Knoxville, TN being rated the number one fall allergy capital of 2011. Austin, known for cedar fever that peaks fall/winter months, was rated 46, up from last year’s rating as the 51st allergy capital. A full report of all 100 cities is available for free on the Foundations’ Web site, www.AllergyCapitals.com.

Allergy & Immunology Medical Center offers cutting edge Accelerated Rush Immunotherapy along with a full spectrum of evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and management options in Austin’s newest advanced specialty allergy practices. For more information contact 512.329.5800.